Four PhD and one Postdoc Position in the field of Hybrid Metasurfaces – EPFL

Four PhD and one Postdoc Position in the field of Hybrid Metasurfaces - EPFL

Four PhD and one Postdoc Position in the field of Hybrid Metasurfaces – EPFL

We are currently looking for talented and motivated collaborators with the following profiles. If you are interested by one of these positions, please send us your application and your cv.

Post-doctoral fellow – Optical characterization of metasurfaces

Our on-going research in the field of metasurfaces includes modeling, nanotechnology and optical characterization. We are looking for a collaborator to lead our optical measurements effort in the linear regime, with emphasis on either polarimetry or fluorescence measurements. We offer an extensive research infrastructure that will enable this new collaborator to advance her/his scientific career in collaboration with a small team of PhD students.

Requirements: PhD in physics, chemistry, materials sciences or related topics. Proven experience and advanced skills in optical measurements, including one or several of the following topics: microscopy, polarymetry, lifetime measurements. A good comprehension of the functioning principles of metasurfaces is a definite advantage. Sense of responsibility and creativity. Scientific leadership and good communication skills.

PhD Student – Nonlinear metasurfaces

This project aims at developing hybrid metasurfaces that combine different materials in order to enhance nonlinear effects, such as second harmonic generation, nonlinear luminescence and up-conversion. The emphasis of this project is on the nanofabrication and optical characterization of the metasurfaces, within a small team working on the topic of hybrid metasurfaces.

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Requirements: solid background in physics, electrical engineering, materials sciences or related topics. Proven experimental competences in optics, mastery of nonlinear optics and previous expertise with pulsed lasers represent a definite advantage. Taste for collaborative projects and team-player spirit.

PhD Student – Modeling metasurfaces

This project aims at developing advanced numerical tools for the simulation of hybrid metasurfaces and to collaborate with other members of the team working on experiments to provide theoretical guidance and support.

Requirements: solid background in theoretical physics, electromagnetics, computer science or mathematics. Taste for the development of numerical methods and proven experience in programming (mastery of c++ is an advantage). Ability to keep an overview when working on a complex project and not get lost into details. Taste for collaborative projects and good communication skills.

PhD Student – Engineering fluorescence with metasurfaces

This project aims at using hybrid metasurfaces that combine different materials in order to enhance and tailor fluorescence. This project combines the nanofabrication of metasurfaces with the optical characterization of quantum emitters interacting with the metasurface, with emphasis on engineering their radiation and lifetime.

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Requirements: solid background in physics, electrical engineering, chemistry, materials sciences or related topics. Taste for experiments in photonics, a previous experience with molecular imaging (radiation, lifetime) represents a definite advantage. Taste for collaborative projects and team-player spirit.

Post-doctoral fellow – Plasmon-enhanced organic LED

Within a collaborative project with EMPA and ETHZ, we wish to develop different strategies to enhance the emission of organic light emitting diodes (LEDs) and we are looking for a post-doctoral fellow who would take a pivotal and leading role in this project.

Requirements: PhD in the broad topics of photonics, surface science, chemistry or nanotechnology, with a specialization in one of the following areas: thin films, self-assembly of materials, functional polymers, chemical based manufacturing and assembly, organic dyes or light emitting diodes. Mastery of the corresponding experimental and characterization techniques. Proven research and publication records. Taste for collaborative projects and sense of responsibility.

PhD Student – Modeling organic LED

Within a collaborative project with EMPA and ETHZ, we wish to develop numerical tools to simulate the enhancement of organic light emitting diodes (LEDs), through their interaction with plasmonic nanostructures. This project aims first at expanding some numerical tools that were developed in the NAM, second at developing models for the interaction between dyes and nanostructures, and third at providing theoretical guidance for the other members of the team.

Requirements: solid background in theoretical physics, electromagnetics, computer science or mathematics, or related topics. Taste for the development of numerical methods and proven experience in programming (mastery of c++ is an advantage). Taste for collaborative projects and good communication skills.



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